Sunday, February 25, 2007

temples & temples etc

This be Kiramizu, in Kyoto.

This be some statuary in that same place, which is a big place, with great views. (Views not caught on camera.)

This is somewhere else. Japan's biggest bell. Perhaps. No, I think it really is.

One of the two love-rocks, back at Kiramizu, with three schoolgirls giving the peace-sign. The love-rocks are twenty yards or so apart. If you can walk from one to t'other with your eyes firmly shut, then you'll be lucky in love.

That same love-rock, with a girl from the East Midlands giving the peace-sign.

I hope she forgives me for calling her a girl. This is another big bell, I forget where.

A holy waterfall. Those boxes you can see are actually a kind of shower cabinet en plein air. Not a popular shrine this, but charming. You've got to climb a lot of steps to get there. Possibly more popular in the summer, when taking a holy shower might appeal more.

The great market we went to in Kyoto, once again. Would have been nice to have all the market shots together, but you can't have everything.

Hmmm. I think this is at Matsuyama Castle.

Meiji-jingu, the massive Shinto shrine in Tokyo. The gods were being kept busy.

The gravelly grounds of the castle in Kyoto.

Ditto, with big gate.

The bit round the back of the castle in Kyoto.

team pizza

One of the many temples in Nikko.

We saw a couple of these. They are, I think, Zen memorials in memory of the most Zen.

The old trick of writing down your troubles on a fish and dissolving it - along with said troubles - in holy water. Em hasn't looked back.

The holy rabbit, doing a spot of fishing.

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